A personalized, whole-home energy efficiency upgrade

If you want to bring your home up to modern efficiency standards but are not sure where to start, the Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus can help.

A new $500 bonus rebate is available for customers who complete multiple retrofit upgrades to their existing home.


This bonus is in addition to the individual rebates you'll receive for qualifying upgrades.


This program features an in-home audit (a type of home energy assessment) with one of our partner contractors. Through this audit, the contractor will identify the best opportunities to improve energy efficiency and home comfort. The contractor will help you create a personalized project plan to meet your goals.


We recognize that homes have multiple systems that interact. The Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus aims to create a solution for your whole home to help with energy costs, comfort, and your personal health.


Typical program participants can receive over $5,000 total in combined value, including $2,000 in combined PPL Electric Utilities rebates and up to $3,200 in federal tax credits (see examples below).


Register now for our next Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus webinar on Wednesday, August 21.


Over $5,000 in value

Want to see how much you can save?


Example 1

Customer with central A/C and non-electric heat

  • $200 rebate – In-Home Energy Audit (blower door, non-electric heating + central A/C)
  • $200 rebate – Attic Insulation
  • $200 rebate – Air Sealing 
  • $400 rebate – ENERGY STAR® Certified Ductless (Mini-Split) Heat Pump
  • $400 rebate – ENERGY STAR Certified Heat Pump Water Heater
  • $500 rebate – Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus 
  • $3,200 maximum annual federal tax credits*
  • Total: $5,100 in combined value ($1,900 in rebates + $3,200 in federal tax credits)


Example 2

Customer with central A/C and electric heat

  • $350 rebate – In-Home Energy Audit (blower door, electric heating + central A/C)
  • $500 rebate – Attic Insulation (electric heat) 
  • $500 rebate – Basement Insulation 
  • $200 rebate – Air Sealing 
  • $450 rebate – ENERGY STAR Certified Air-Source Heat Pump
  • $400 rebate – ENERGY STAR Certified Heat Pump Water Heater
  • $500 rebate – Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus 
  • $3,200 maximum annual federal tax credits*
  • Total: $6,100 in combined value ($2,900 in rebates + $3,200 in federal tax credits)
How to qualify
  • This offer is available to PPL Electric Utilities residential customer with electric heat and/or central A/C.
  • You will receive individual rebates for each qualifying upgrade in addition to the $500 bonus. 
  • An in-home energy assessment with one of our participating contractors is required (see below). Each of these contractors are Building Performance Institute certified and are registered in the our Trade Ally program.
  • Your contractor must be one of the organizations listed below as a DER Bonus partner. Your contractor will apply for the qualifying rebates and bonus rebates on your behalf. The qualifying projects must be completed in one contract and in one calendar year.
  • Complete 3 or more qualifying individual upgrades to receive the additional $500 bonus.
    • A minimum of 1 upgrade each from the insulation and air sealing and mechanical categories is required. The third upgrade may come from either category.
    • Thermostat and appliance recycling rebates do not count as one of the 3 upgrades to qualify for the bonus.

This $500 Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus cannot be combined with the Comprehensive Retrofit Bonus.


Browse All Rebates
Get started today

Contact one of our lead contractors to start your project. Or, to learn more, register now for our next Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus webinar on Wednesday, August 21.


Advanced Efficiency Worx


[email protected]


Serving customers in the following counties: full PPL Electric Utilities service area


Energy Services Group


[email protected]


Serving customers in the following counties: Berks, Bucks, Chester, Montgomery, Lancaster


MT Weatherization


[email protected]


Serving customers in the following counties: full PPL Electric Utilities service area


If you don’t find a lead contractor serving your county, please visit the Contractor Search page. Only the contractors above are Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus partners, but all the other contractors can provide services that qualify for our other rebates. 


We're onboarding more lead contractors regularly. Contact us with questions about the Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus. You can reach us at [email protected]. Please include "Deep Energy Retrofit Bonus" in the email body or subject line. 


*Learn more about federal tax credits here. The content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not tax advice. All content mentioned does not constitute professional advice and is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. By using this site, you accept and agree that following any information or recommendations provided therein and all channels of digital content is at your own risk. Please consult a tax professional before claiming and filing.